Tous les garçons aiment ça

Tous les garçons aiment ça, a short film by Philippe Deschamps (2012, 30 mn).
Co-produced with Mezzanine Films, with the support of CNC (Aide au programme d’entreprise) and Région Bourgogne

Selected at the Festival Un poing c’est court, the Festival du Film Court Francophone de Vaulx-en-Velin (2013), the Festival International du Film Molodist de Kiev (2012), the Rencontres Cinématographiques de l’ARP, Dijon (2012), the Festival National du Film de Hyères les Palmiers (2012) and at Q Fest (Houston, USA-2012)

With Barthélémy Guillemard, Bérangère McNeese, Marie Béraud, Yannick Choirat, Anne Cressen.

A teenager gets together with his girlfriend for the weekend. They decide to make love, whilst their parents are out of sight and nothing should stand in the way of their first time. Or that’ the way teenage movies should go…