Trip to Santarem, a short film by Laure Desmazières. (2021. 27mn)
With the support of the CNC (Aide avant réalisation), the Region Grand Est (Aide à la production) and the Métropole du Grand Nancy. A pre-purchase from France 3 Television.
Selected in Clermont-Ferrand Festival 2022, Contis Festival 2022 with a selection in official competition, Festival Côté Court de Pantin 2022, La Ciotat Festival 2022, Festival Court en Scène 2022, Festival Combat 2021 and in Chéries Chérie Festival 2022.
With Julia Perazzini, Noe Wodecki, Mathilde Roerich, Eva Lallier and Julie Badoc.
Today is the “day against violence” but Julia, a middle school teacher, is not paying attention when Ethan tries to confide in her.