Century Of Smoke, a documentary feature film by Nicolas Graux (2019, 85mn).
Produced by Dérives (Belgium), co-produced by Haïku Films.
With the support of the CNC (Aide à l’écriture et au développement renforcé du FAI), the FondS Wallonie-Bruxelles, Wallonie Image Production and the European Commission’s Creative Europe – MEDIA sub- program.
Selected at Visions du Réel (Nyon, 2019), at the Munich International Documentary Film Festival (DOK.fest München) 2019 and at the Brussels International Film Festival – BRIFF 2019
Laosan, a young family man, spends all his time smoking opium. For his community, lost in the heart of the Laotian jungle, opium farming is the only way to survive. But opium is also the poison that puts men to sleep and kills their desires.